How your ROI becomes greater than your initial investment
holy matrimony (http://www.holymatrimonyonline.com/) owner Vicky Johnson has been extremely busy these past few months. In a low cost and creative way, she has strategically showcased her large budget weddings placing the spotlight on her wedding planning firm. And, it has been paying off. Her blog, http://www.dcnearlyweds.com/ is the most popular wedding blog out there and has caught the attention of media, highly recongnized planners and admirers far and wide.
This is an example of how creative marketing doesn't necessarily have to mean expensive budget. Your ROI can indeed be greater than your initial investment.
Checkout the hits:
- Grace Ormonde Wedding Style Platinum List 2008 http://www.weddingstylemagazine.com/
- Washington Express 1/23/08 All for Favors Say Aye Do. http://www.readexpress.com/read_freeride/2008/01/wedding_guide_all_for_favors_say_aye_do.phpThe
- Hill: 2/1/08 Planning a Wedding is not a piece of cake. http://thehill.com/op-eds/planning-a-wedding-is-not-a-piece-of-cake-2008-02-06.html
- DC Nearlyweds named Most Comprehensive Wedding Blog by Wedding Blog Awards.com http://www.weddingblogawards.com/2007/12/dc-nearlyweds-wins-our-most-comprehensive-wedding-blog-award.html
- Style Network's Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? Season 7 Featured Planner Air dates to be announced.
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