
Achieving Life & Business Success

Need some motivation to change your thinking and behavior? Consider this -- while less than 15% of the United States workforce is comprised of business owners/self-employed professionals, these entrepreneurs represent over 66% of our millionaires. No doubt about it, business ownership is a direct path to greater wealth and personal satisfaction.

However, wealthy entrepreneurs are no different than ordinary employees. In fact, they are ordinary in every way except one. It's not their intelligence, looks, education, age or luck. It's their mindset. That's right. Wealthy entrepreneurs simply think differently and then act accordingly.

Wealthy entrepreneurs, in particular, think and act like creators. They think about and go about creating the lifestyle, wealth, business, career, health, and relationships they want. They have a burning desire to create their results and circumstances. Then they act in spite of any fears,
doubts or uncertainties. Their desire to gain pleasure (dreams and goals) outweighs their desire to avoid pain (fears and risks).

Unlike ordinary folks, wealthy professionals don't settle for letting things happen and unfold. Instead of merely making a living, they choose to create a personal and professional life that excites them. They take charge. They proactively shape their life according to their dreams. Want to achieve greater success and freedom? Simply let go of your fears and start thinking big!

Instead of focusing on security, wealthy entrepreneurs focus on opportunities. Instead of focusing on risks, they focus on rewards. They see the upside, not the downside. They think about their goals and go about making them happen. They take action. They don't procrastinate and over-analyze. They take 100% responsibility for their results - no excuses and no blaming.

Their mode of operation is "Ready, Aim, Fire . . . Adjust Aim, Fire, Fire, Fire". The emphasis is on the firing, not the preparing. After all, nothing good happens until you take action, start moving. Action always trumps inaction. By taking action, these wealthy entrepreneurs learn from the marketplace and make real-time corrections based on current facts, not speculation.

On the other hand, others focus on obstacles and analysis. They focus on "what can go wrong". They are ruled by fear, comfort zones, and excuses. Their mode of operation is "Ready, Ready, Aim, Aim, and more Aim". They never fire! They never take action. They want to know all the answers before they start. They want to eliminate all risks and unknowns. They want guarantees. This is unrealistic and will only guarantee a lack of success.

Deadly analysis-paralysis takes over. Where are you stalling in life? What are you putting off because of fear or imperfect information? What project is on hold? What dreams are being

Start thinking and acting like wealthy entrepreneurs - think about and then go about creating your ideal world.

Wealth Creation Strategies is a publication designed to provide information and insight to individuals interested in creating personal wealth through business ownership.


  1. Thank you for your inspiration. I appreciate it coming from a PR colleague too. See PR people have souls too. :)
    God bless you!

  2. Great article! -- It's definitely one's mindset that separates an entrepreneur from the rest of the pack.

