
When there is a hiccup in your life: Crisis 101


A hiccup (crisis) can come at any time, from anywhere and in any form. The goal when faced with a crisis is to minimize the overall damage. The best way to manage the situation, if it should ever arise, is to not hold your breath until it goes away, but rather:

Reflect, don’t react on what happened. Reflect on the role you played in it. Reflect on how others have reacted to both the situation and to you. Reflect on how you feel. Reflect on how/when/what your response should be.

Honesty, self-reflection push you forward. Lies, misplaced blame and denial push you back.

Remove negative thinking. Remove negative/dysfunctional people. Remove yourself from any and all things that could possibly cause you to repeat your mistake or a similar one in the future.

Replace your negative energy, space and inner circle with all things positive, productive and progressive. Don't dwell on the mistake. Take the lesson, walk over the mistake and move forward.

Renew your mind by speaking life into your situation. Positive thoughts, lead to positive words which lead to positive actions. Don't define who you are by just the mistakes you made/make or what others will say about you. You are the total sum of all things reflecting you.

Bottom line: Understand what happened. Embrace what happened. Promote your learned lessons. And, remember that "...in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

We all have a purpose in life to fulfill. The good, bad and UGLY are part of fulfilling that purpose.

It is time to live more proactively in this reactive world. Walk out your destiny.

1 comment:

  1. Great posting! **I would add this -- In the midst of a crisis, the only thing that you can control is your conduct. - This is key on surviving the storm and taking the lessons from the storm to continue to thrive to your destiny.
