The below comment was sent to a fellow LinkedIn member who expressed agreement in what the NY Times writer stated in the piece, "When it counts qualifications trump race". I felt it important to share with my blog readers what I expressed to him. And, I welcome your comments as well to me on this subject.
MWPRInsight Comment:
Unfortunately, I will have to respectfully disagree with your opinion and even that of the NY Times writer. The choosing of the first African American President has not changed a reality that has existed before and since Jackie Robinson entered MLB. And, in stating that the hiring of African Americans is based on skills trumps race because one is looking to positively affect the bottom-line borders on the notion that we are only good to have around as long as we help make you a profit. That strikes a deep cord.
That opinion unfortunatly IS highly visible in sports. The make up on the field/court looks one way, but the make up on the sideline, boardroom, scouting arenas, extend partners, etc. is something totally different. African Americans are accepted in limited and controlled environments...on the field they are seen only for their skills and capabilities. But, let an African American who has the skills and capabilities to manage, identify talent or run an organization come along...that same philosophy is not applied.
As an African American, I am truly proud of what happened on November 4th. But, do be clear, electing Barack Obama does not, by any stretch mean that racism is dead. Opportunities still elude us and will continue to do so until we are all deeply/sincerely honest that it has controlled our actions and decision making through to today.
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