
MWPRInsight: 40 Years Later

By MWPRInsight as posted on BlackVoices.com

I believe that we are all here to play a specific role in making our communities reflect the dream that Dr. King preached, marched for and ultimately died trying to realize. It is our responsibility to pick up the baton and take an active role in improving ourselves first and then our personal circles of influence and work out from there. I am truly afraid of the generations that are behind me and are yet to be born...that the disconnect between 1968 and 2008 is becoming so wide, that the future will have no connection to the past, if we do not put action behind our constant rhetoric.


  1. The first shall be last and the last shall be first, so let us begin with your last sentence. Ulitmately we as a people have to realize that the toothless paper tiger that we call "Black Leadership (NAACP, PUSH, Sharpton, etc.)" have done every generation post civil rights an egregious disservice w/their rhetoric. At some point in time they have to remove their hands from the backpockets of corporate America and put pen to pad to address the dirty landry that they left Cosby to articulate. The disconnect '68 & '08 hasn't become so wide, rather its a permenent chasm that can't be bridged by the poverty pimps that push the same failed programs/promises that didn't work 35 yrs ago.

    Ok, I have to do some work now...have a good one.


  2. Okay, so we all agree that the baton was dropped right when a new generation was beginning its heat of this race we call "justice". The question now becomes: how do we move past just voicing our displeasure with the lack of cognizable progress within the forty (40) years since Dr. King's death? Where do we start? And once we agree upon a starting point, what is our next move? I have some ideas but I am all ears.
