Regardless if the main headline is involving a person, political figure, product, property or performance, more times than not, there are layers to the crisis and they are guaranteed to impact a multitude of areas, associations and affiliations. The ripple affects will also need to be addressed.
Ok, the crisis hits! The primary target has responded and is managing their story in an effort to lessen the blow and restore trust.
But, what about the ripples, those who are directly or indirectly impacted by the primary's crisis? Directly or indirectly, each ripple created by the primary (pebble) requires special attention, strategic action, specific answers and subsequent adjustments so they are able to eventual move pass the crisis and prepare for future progress and productivity.

Special Attention:
When the crisis creates the ripples, pay close attention to the initial reports, details and responses given through the media and through the primary target. Listening and learning what has happened and what is being said will help in creating a specific strategic plan directly speaks to your need and position.
Strategic Action:
Based on what has been learned through paying special attention and determining if the primary hit directly or indirectly impacted you, a plan of action must be created that will help draw a distinction between the primary hit and you, the ripple, while also restoring confidence within your immediate and extended touch points (constituents and audiences).
Specific Answers:
Here is where you unpack your story, clear up confusion related to your connection to the primary hit and provide space for questions to be asked and answered, portraying a level of transparency and trust.
Subsequent Adjustments:
Within the management of the ripple affect from another's crisis, due diligence is needed in determining what can be learned by what the primary hit went through. Also, an assessment for areas of weakness, vulnerability, flaws and blind spots that could one day take you from being the ripple to being the primary is needed.
The best way to prepare for any crisis is to be prepared before the crisis. You don't have to always learn a lesson firsthand. Take the lesson another's mistake creates and adjust accordingly. Go through scenarios identifying possible crises that could occur, or pay attention to your competition, partners, industry leaders, etc. and learn from their past problems. Remember, there is no such thing as a cookie-cutter template crisis plan. So, once you've gathered your research, create an overall crisis plan that speaks to your needs and feel somewhat confident that if/when the time comes you will be ready to stop, drop and roll with the punch.
The bottom-line is no major crisis is a one off. It will create ripples. Having a direct or indirect association with the primary hit calls for you to take the necessary steps to correct and protect your brand, message or business.